Mo’s Bacon Bar and the Creative Process of an Avant-garde Chocolatier
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In yesterday’s Halibut and Bacon post I mentioned a woman who had combined bacon with chocolate. I discovered her on a fellow foodie’s blog, Catherine’s “Chocolate and Sage.” Her name is Katrina Markoff, and she is the Owner and Founder of Vosges Haut-Chocolat. This video is a lecture she gave at the TASTE3 conference which was presented at the Robert Mondavi Winery in Napa. In it, she explains the four step process she uses to create these very unusual chocolate collections.
Yesterday I said I found the lecture both inspirational and ridiculous. After watching it for a second time, I changed the word “ridiculous” to “perplexing.” Ridiculous sounded too negative, which wasn’t my intention. While I was truly inspired by her passion and obvious love for what she does and creates, I was sometimes lost during parts of her explanation of the process. It’s probably because I have no intentional or formal thought process with my cooking, and actually try NOT to think about what I’m doing too deeply. Anyway, I realize it’s a long lecture, but it’s worth watching, and I’d love a spirited discussion and/or debate in the comments as to what your thoughts are regarding her approach. Is she thinking too much, or am I not thinking enough? Or should we all just eat a piece of chocolate with bacon and smile?
I've posted this before, but could this Simpsons clip have been the real inspiration for this candy bar?
RESEP MARTABAK MANIS BANGKA ENAK ASLI BANGKA . Martabak Bangka rasanya memang sangat lezat dan manis dibanding martabak pekalongan, tegal, bandung, atau terang bulan untuk sebutan di Denpasar - bali tapi martabak bandung lebih mengembang dan terasa agak asin sedikit. Berikut resep Martabak Manis yang dilengkapi dengan cara mudah bikin sendiri. BAHAN : 4 sendok makan yeast atau ragi 1800 cc atau 2 butir air perasan kelapa (santan) 1 1/2 sendok teh garam yang dilarutkan dan dipanaskan dengan santan hingga hangat 1 1/2 kilogram tepung terigu 8 butir telur ayam 65 gram soda kue atau baking powder 1 1/2 sendok teh vanilla sebagai penambah aroma 1/2 kilogram mentega 150 gram kacang tumbuk kasar yang digoreng tanpa minyak (sangrai) 150 gram butiran coklat meises 1 kaleng susu kental manis 1/4 kilogram gula pasir taburan topping CARA MEMBUAT MARTABAK MANIS BANGKA ENAK ASLI BANGKA : Pertama-tama campurkan ragi atau yeast kedalam campuran larutan santan dan garam. Kemudia...
I’ve been playing around with a new pastry dough, and figured I’d use it as an excuse for a little demo on turnovers, or “hand pies” as the hipsters are calling them. I’ll unveil the new “buttercrust” dough next week, but this particular video is not about the pastry, or the filling, it’s about the fairly basic method for folding and crimping one of these up. As you’ll see, it’s not exactly a complicated procedure. In fact, I can’t imagine your aunt is going to be too thrilled to know that you’ll be able to now match her crimp for crimp. Once you have the outside down, what goes inside should be the least of your worries. I went for a very soft, apple-saucy, jam-like filling, which turned out very well, but literally any of your favorite pie fillings, both sweet and savory, will work. If you do make an apple version, and want to really blow some minds, top your filling with a thin slice of sharp cheddar. It’s special. I hope you give this easy technique a try soon. Enjoy! For 4 Apple...
RESEP KETAN DURIAN KUAH SAUS KINCA DUREN ENAK . Ketan saus duren adalah sejenis masakan bubur yang sangat legit rasanya dan harum khas duren dan wangi pandan yang menjadikan makanan ini sangat lezat untuk disantap dalam keadaan dingin atau panas. Buah durian yang digunakan bisa menggunakan durian medan, duren palembang, bengkulu, durian thailand, durian surabaya atau durian padang. Jika ingin membuatnya sendiri berikut resep ketan duren yang enak yang dilengkapi dengan cara mudah bikin nya. BAHAN : 250 gram beras ketan, rendam 1 jam 250 cc santan encer garam secukupnya 3 lembar daun pandan BAHAN SAUS KINCA DUREN : 500 cc santan encer 250 cc susu tawar 3 sdm gula pasir 100 gram gula merah 3 lembar daun pandan 5 mata durian, buang biji, haluskan ½ sdt garam CARA MEMBUAT KETAN DURIAN ENAK : Kukus beras ketan selama 15 menit lalu angkat. Panaskan santan, garam, dan daun pandan hingga mendidih lalu angkat dan tuangkan ke dalam beras ketan. Aduk hingga santan terserap lalu kukus lagi hingga ...