
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2015

A Strawberry Rhubarb Custard Pie Worth Brawling Over

Because I grew up listening to baseball on the radio, whenever I heard the word “rhubarb,” I wouldn’t think of something edible and delicious like this amazing Strawberry Rhubarb Pie, I’d think of fights. Back in the early days of radio, when they wanted to get the sound effect of an angry mob, they’d tell the performers to repeat the word “rhubarb,” over and over. It sounds heated and contentious, yet the listener doesn’t hear any specific words. Baseball announcers of the same era began to call baseball fights “rhubarbs,” since they sounded so much like those radio effects. I didn’t learn about this until recently, and it made me think of all the games I’d listened to during all those summers, and how never once when I heard “rhubarb,” did I think of pie. That was until I got this wonderful recipe from my mother Pauline, who I believe got it from my Aunt Angela. As you longtime readers know, both are fantastic bakers and while I love all their pies, this might be my favorite. So, whe...

Gepuk Daging Sapi

Pulang sekolah kakak tanya, Bun masak apa? masak sop ceker ayam , cantiikkk. Trus dia bilang kok nggak bikin gepuk sih??? yaaa...kan bunda tunggu ada yang request dooong ^^ Nah karena sudah request jadinya di jadwalkan hari ini bikin gepuk, karena kalo gak dibikinin pasti ditagih terus sampe bener2 makan masakan yang dia request, pas juga hubby pulang wiken ini, sama2 penyuka daging dua2nya hihihihi... Pas saya ngobrol sama temen2 disini tentang gepuk gak ada yang mudeng, apaan sih gepuk !@$#%@$#! hadeuhhh kalo di bandung mah gak ada yang gak tau, tapi ternyata penyebutannya si gepuk ini yang berbeda, kalau di semarang atau di kota2 lain gepuk itu disebutnya Empal.  Gerai Gepuk di Bandung menurut saya ada dua yang enak, ada Gepuk Ny. Ong dan Gepuk Ny. Yong. Biasanya saya pilih Gepuk Ny. Ong untuk oleh2 kalau pas pulang ke semarang karena letak gerainya arah tol pasteur sebelah kiri jalan, selain gampang ditemukan kita gak usah blusukan lagi karena males banget sama macetnya. Kalau ...

Memorial Day – Celebrating Those Who Literally Fight for Your Right to Party

I always feel a little guilty grilling on Memorial Day. Being surrounded by all kinds of luscious food and ice-cold beer seems to be almost mocking the holiday's solemn meaning. Maybe we should really honor our vets by eating what they had to survive on while defending our country. What if instead of lounging with a stack of slick, sticky barbecue pork ribs and potato salad, we dug a hole in the ground from which to enjoy something squeezed out of a pouch? Pop-Tarts notwithstanding, there are very few delicious things that come in pouches. No one is less qualified to speak for veterans than me, but I don't think they would want us to go that far. I mean, what better example of what these brave men and women fought for, than backyards full of smoking grills and smiling faces? So, if Uncle Jerry cooks the chicken breasts ten minutes past dry, and whoever made the beans was clearly just going through the motions, don't think of it as a poor meal, think of it as a meditation o...

Scrambled Eggs – This is still a test…a soft, creamy, delicious test

Well, I’m still testing, and learning, and fumbling around with the new A/V equipment and software, but at least you can see an actual edible recipe during this experiment. I decided to do some very basic scrambled eggs. First of all, my sister-in-law Nina requested an eggs demo, and secondly I wanted to see how much better quality the quicker stirring motions would come out verses the old camera. So, this is still officially a test video, so go easy on the comments… I’m getting a real microphone today, and still don’t have Photoshop on the new MacBook to do any decent screen shots with. Anyway, enough excuses, on to the recipe. I’ve heard Chef Gordon Ramsey say that when he wants to test a young cook’s skills, he has them scramble a couple eggs. He wants to see if they are going to produce a plate of rubbery yellow clumps, or a smooth, creamy, custard-like delicacy. Today’s clip will hopefully show you how to produce the later. Speaking of Chef Ramsey, I’ve included his scrambled egg ...

Rachael Ray and the Doughnuts of Mass Destruction

As you know, I rarely, if ever, go off topic on this blog. This is especially true when it comes to "real" issues like politics, religion, American Idol, etc. But, this week's controversy regarding Rachael Ray and her "terrorist" scarf has sent me over the edge. Chances are you've already seen this all over the news, but if not, the clip below will give you the gist of it (chosen from FOX News so you know it will be objective!). I've stated before on this blog, I'm not a huge fan of her shows, but I am a staunch Rachael Ray supporter. Regardless of what you think of her bubbly personality, or easy-to-mock delivery, she is inspiring lots of people to cook at home, which is all that matters in my book. Regarding this amazingly ridiculous scarf issue; anyone that seriously thinks her scarf was some sort of subtle symbol of support for Islamic terrorists, and that the ad must be pulled to avoid "sending the wrong message," is a complete moron. ...

You Down with IACP? Yeah, You Know Me!

The travel craziness continues as I'm heading to Austin for the IACP 33rd Annual Conference . This year's theme is: "Light Your Fire: Sparks from the Culinary Edge."  I'll be doing a session entitled, "DIY Video Production for Food Bloggers," and will be joined by the lovely and talented Sara, from Average Betty , and Daniel Klein, chef and traveling food documentarian from The Perennial Plate . By the way, if you think I travel a lot, check this guy out. I'm pretty excited to be doing a little teaching, as that's the one thing I do miss most about working at a culinary academy. I love the thought that folks may actually leave the session and be so inspired that they start filming and uploading food videos to their own blogs. Then, in a few years, there will be so many high-quality food videos online that their value will plummet, and I'll be out of business. Damn it! I didn't think this through. On a related matter, here is a recipe by a...

Prison-Style Meatloaf – How to Stretch Your Meat Further

The main point of this prison-style meatloaf video is to show you what happens when you make meatloaf like your grandparents did. And no, I'm not accusing your relatives of spending time in the joint. During the Great Depression this type of dish was a popular strategy for stretching what little meat you had, into as filling a meal as possible. As times got better, people went back to meatier versions, and now only low-budget, high-volume food service operations feature this culinary dinosaur. I did an Italian meatball-inspired version, which was quite nice, but this method will work with virtually any meatloaf recipe. Most modern meatloaves call for about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of dry crumbs per two pounds of meat, and here we’re using 1 1/2 cups. It makes a significant difference in the texture, producing something much softer and moister. While not as "meaty," this does make for an interesting alternative to play around with. I'm looking at you, family of 10. As I say in...

Resep Sate Ayam Kecap Pedas

Sate ayam bisa dikategorikan sebagai salah satu menu makanan yang khas. Cita rasanya yang pedas, manis serta kenyal dengan bumbu khasnya tentu akan membuat lidah kita bergoyang. Resep Sate Ayam ini merupakan salah satu olahan makanan dimana ayam dijadikan sebagai bahan utama. Namun pastinya, ada bahan lain yang juga harus digunakan yakni kecap pedas, bawang merah dan bawang putih, daun jeruk,

Don't Call it Daffy - Duck Leg Ragu!

This video recipe was filmed over a year ago (with a webcam duct-taped to a spice rack), and was never posted here due to what I thought was a corrupted file (and no back-up). I won’t bore you with the technical details (which means I'm not sure how I did it), but I was able to extract the video and do a new voice-over. Unfortunately, there were no photos of the dish, which explains the screen shot, with watercolor filter applied, seen here. As I say in the video, duck legs are such great meat. They are cheap, rich tasting, easy to work with, and if you do some research, you'll learn that duck fat is actually not such a bad thing. I doubt your local grocery store sells them - instead you'll find whole frozen ducks, which will work in a pinch. But, if you call a meat market, or restaurant supplier, they can easily order a box of frozen duck legs for you. I get mine at a local SF meat wholesaler for about $3 a pound. They really are delicious, and well worth the trouble searc...

Resep Ayam Teriyaki Praktis

Menu olahan ayam berikutnya yang akan kami jelaskan adalah Resep Ayam Teriyaki. Nah, berbicara jenis olahan ayam teriyaki, tentunya hal pertama yang muncul dibenak kita ialah bumbu saus teriyaki. Cara memasak ayam teriyaki sebenarnya ada bermacam-macam. Ada yang cara memasaknya langsung dicampur dengan bumbunya, ada juga yang ayamnya terlebih dahulu di panggang baru kemudian disirami dengan saus

Coming Soon - 2 New Meat-Free Videos: Nasturtium Butter and Broccoli Salad


Barbecued Venison and Cheesy Elvis

Cream Cheesy Cubed Zucchini with Lemon and Oregano

Those of you expecting some kind of char-grilled hunk o' meat, fat-glistening-in-the-sun-type video for Memorial Day will probably be disappointed to see this humble zucchini dish. I really can't blame you. It is zucchini for heaven's sake. I've been busy traveling on some secret business trips recently, so while I'd normally have a hard time feigning such excitement over squash, considering how much time I've had, I'm actually quite thrilled with how this came out. I didn't start out trying to make a creamy zucchini recipe, but when I glanced in the fridge and saw the last crumbled remains of fresh cream cheese, I knew those green cubes sizzling away in the skillet were about to get enriched. Like I said in the video, this would make a pretty nice side dish for all that grilled meat you are going to tong this summer, or as an impressive base for grilled chicken, fish, or shrimp. Also, to get extra fancy, use crème fraiche ( preferably homemade ) instead...

Udang Telur Asin

Stok telur asin masih banyak ^^ setelah kemarin masak pepes telur asin hari ini masih akan masak yang berbau-bau telur asin gals! Telur asin kayanya diapain aja enak yakk, waktu pertama makan masakan yang menggunakan telur asin sebagai pelengkap bumbunya itu waktu saya dan hubby makan di resto Seafood Sarang Kepiting deket Mangga dua mall di Jekardah, sbenernya lumayan jauh sih tempat makannya kalo dari pasar minggu. Tapiiii karena si sarang kepiting ini merupakam tempat makan seafood paling ajib saendonesia raya versi saya dan hubby, mau gak mau dijabaninlah yaa demiiiii....menumpuk kolesterol !!! ^___^ Biasanya menu makan kami di Sarang Kepiting itu bukan udang goreng telur asin tetapi Kepiting telur asinnya, wihhh benar-benar mantap banget deh. Selain daging kepiting jantannya yang super tebel, rasa bumbu kepiting telur asinnya itu bener2 nampol pol! gurih, pedas, dan yang pasti  uenakkkkkkkk di jamin bakalan ketagihan deh hehehe...dari berbagai kelebihannya cuma satu aja kekur...

Chicken & Dumplings – Stewed Chicken with Thyme Crème Fraiche "Dumplins"

I’m calling this chicken and “dumplings” for search engine purposes, but these came out so well that internally we going with chicken and “dumplins.” That’s right, if your dumplings really rock, you’re allowed to drop the “g.” It’s the highest honor one can bestow on this humble dish. The wonderful thing about this dumpling recipe, besides its ease, is how truly versatile it is. I’m not even referring to the actual dumpling batter, which of course can be tweaked with various herb and/or dairy substitutions, but to the delivery system beneath these puffy pillows of pleasure. These dumplings can be steamed over virtually any flavorful soup or stew-like substance. The rule of thumb is; if you can simmer it, you can cook a dumpling on it. However, as I mention in the video, the thinner the liquid, the easier and better the dumplings will steam. If you do prefer a thicker stew, simply fortify your mixture with a standard roux before you add the picked chicken back in. We’ve made like a hund...

Everyone remain calm…this is only a Test!

Well, I finally did it. I actually bought a “real” digital camera for the site. Yes, believe it or not, the over one hundred video recipe clips I’ve filmed so far, have been filmed using the cheap, bottom of the line, web cam pictured here. Now, nothing against Logitech, or their fine line of web cams, but they aren’t exactly made to serve as the cornerstone of your video recipe blog. Along with this new camera purchase, I’ve also bought a new MacBook and will be editing the clips with iMovie, a definite step up from the relatively primitive Windows Movie Maker I’ve been using. Why the change in platforms? It was really those Mac commercials; that skinny smartass dude was sooo much cooler than the old PC guy. Seriously, I am very excited to have these new toys, and it’s going to take a few days to figure out how all this stuff works. I may even have to read a couple manuals! The clip I posted today is a first attempt at figuring out how the new camera and software work together, etc. S...

Resep Ayam Kremes Krunchy

Olahan dengan bahan dasar daging ayam seolah tidak akan pernah ada habisnya. Yah, sampai detik ini daging ayam masih terbukti sebagai salah satu jenis masakan yang disukai oleh masyarakat secara umum. Kandungan proteinnya yang tinggi ditambah lagi harganya yang relatif lebih murah jika dibandingkan dengan daging yang lain menjadi alasan mengapa daging ini banyak diminati. Tak hanya itu saja,

Chiffon Cheese Cake

Gut mornin gals! resep chiffon cheese cake ini sudah aku praktekan beberapa kali bukan karena gagal lho yaaa tapi karena enak dan cakenya soft banget hehehehe... iyalah ya secara chiffon cake gitu lho mungkin bantatnya aja soft yaaa hihihihi...tapi beneran deh resep chiffon cake ini nggak akan gagal gals apalagi klo bahan-bahan dan cara membuatnya mengikuti tata cara dan aturan membuatnya, sama dengan resep-resep sebelumnya saya juga dapet browsing tapi nggak saya catet dari mana asal muasalnya resep ini maap banged ya *kalau lupa kan nggak inget* :D yukkk cap cusssss...  Chiffon Cheese Cake Source : Google Images Bahan-bahan : 6 kuning telur 7 putih telur 140 gr tepung terigu 100 gr keju cheddar, parut  175 gr gula pasir 60 ml minyak goreng 100 ml air (saya pake susu Ultra tapi pake susu dancow dicampur air juga ok kok gals) 1/2 sdt garam 1 sdt vanili 1/2 sdt baking powder 1/4 sdt cream of tartar (Optional, skip) Taburan : 100 gr keju cheddar, parut (tabur sebelum di...