
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2015

Last Chance to Vote!

There are only 2 days left to get your vote in for Saveur Magazine's 1st Annual Best Food Blog Awards! I want to sincerely thank everyone who has already voted, and encourage any one who hasn't to show your support for the work we do here on the blog. Please follow this link to cast your vote now . Thanks! VOTING ENDS APRIL 2nd, Winners to be announced April 5th

Spring Train-ing 2009

Here is a quickly edited presentation of highlights from my recently concluded trip down to Arizona for spring training. If you are a real glutton for travel photos , I've uploaded the full set which you can see by following this link . I'm heading into the kitchen to work on what I hope is a stunning spring vegetable pasta. I should have it up tomorrow. Enjoy! Music credit: Long Train Runnin' by The Doobie Brothers

Better than Pancakes?

The weekend's here and you know what that means! Chef John takes a break, and posts fun, food related stuff he's found on the web. OK, I have to stop typing in the third person. I hope you enjoy this very creative clip I found on Youtube. Man they have cool looking toasters over there. Enjoy!

Black Lentil Soup – Always Bet on Black

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with green lentil soup, but once you start making it with black “beluga” lentils, you’ll have a hard time going back. These black beauties cook up melt-in-your-mouth tender, but still retain their structural integrity, which gives the soup both a thick, satisfying body, and a light, non-starchy mouthfeel. The flavor is wonderfully meaty, especially when you toss in a handful of bacon, and they require absolutely no finesse to prepare perfectly. Just simmer until you have achieved lentil tenderness, adding broth as needed. That’s pretty much it. I’m told black lentils are really good for you, which is weird, since I’ve never asked anybody. Nevertheless, this is a soup you can feel good about putting into your body, unlike that “Bacon Jalapeño Popper Chowder” recipe you got off Pinterest. We’re still right in the middle of soup season, so the next time you feel like a hot bowl, I hope you give this black lentil soup a try. Enjoy! Ingredients for 4 large...

Resep - Cara Membuat Lemper Ayam

Resep Lemper Ayam - Lemper termasuk makanan yang berasal dari ketan dan seringnya mempunyai isi abon ataupun daging ayam cicncang dibungkus daun pisang. Makanan ini populer di seantero Indonesia menjadi pengganjal perut menjelang makan utama. Pengolahan lemper meliputi menyiapkan daging ayam cincang memasak ketan layaknya menanak nasi. Berikutnya daging ayam cincang dibalut nasi ketan

Resep - Cara Membuat Lasagna Khas Italia

Lasagna atau disebut juga dengan Lasagne merupakan makanan sejenis pasta panggang dan termasuk makanan tradisional dari negeri Italia. Lasagna menurut arti katanya ialah lasagne yang diisi dengan daging. Namun Lasagna pun boleh diisi dengan isian lain misalnya daging, sayur, daging ayam, ikan laut dsb menurut selera. Kulit Lasagna diolah dari tepung terigu yang kemudian diberikan bahan isian

These Cherry Folditups Only Sound Easy and Inexpensive

Why am I calling this a cherry folditup, and not a cherry galette, its correct culinary name? Because one sounds like something that's easy to make, and one doesn't. You may think it's silly to dumb-down the name just so a few more people watching on YouTube will give it a try, but it's very important to me that these recipes are accessible to as many people as possible. Oh, and by the way, did I mention you need to buy a $18 jar of cherries to make it?  So much for that whole accessibility angle. Yes, I did use the world's most exclusive jarred cherries. Luxardo make's what they claim are the original Maraschino cherries . The deep, dark fruit is candied in Marasca cherry syrup, and I find the taste and texture totally irresistible. And no, I didn't hit the lottery; I had these on hand because of some recipe testing I was doing for a client, and I couldn't think of any finer way to use them up. If things are going well, here's the Amazon link is cas...

More Edible Irony: Sloppy Joes, Not that Sloppy

For such an iconic retro dish, the Sloppy Joe is very misundersto od. While most people assume the name comes from the sandwich's loose meat, it's actually the name of the bar in Key West, FL where it was invented. That's right, after extensive research (I checked Wikipedia), I've determined that this ground beef maste rpiece was created at Sloppy Joe's Bar, which was probably named for some guy named Joe, who would get a little too loose after a few cocktails. So, despite the name, the secret to a great Sloppy Joe is a thick, rich, almost dry consistency, which allows it to be eaten two-fisted, sans fork, as God intended. I believe over the years the idea that the name was a description of the optimum texture helped this evolve into its usually much runnier form. As you'll see in the video, I like to start with lots of liquid and slowly simmer it down into a fine, thick, tender paste. Spice it up, toss it onto some soft sesame seed hamburger buns, and make sure...

Next Up: Black Lentil Soup


Mushroom Gravy – Quick, somebody find me a slice of meatloaf!

My mother just reminded me that I promised a mushroom gravy recipe clip when I did the meatloaf demo. So, here you go; better late than never. This mushroom sauce can be done with any type of stock, but I used beef stock here since I’m going to be making some more meatloaf (if you haven’t seen that clip, check it out here ). This is usually a 2 pan recipe; chefs normally brown the mushroom in a large sauté pan and then add them to a sauce pan to finish the sauce, but why wash another pan when you don’t have too? So, I’m showing you my patented single-pan method. It does take longer, but the final results will be the same. Be patient, wait until all the liquid is gone and the mushrooms are browning in the butter before you make the roux. Enjoy! Ingredients: 1 pound sliced mushrooms 1 quart beef stock or broth 1/2 stick butter 3 rounded tbl flour salt and pepper to taste fresh herb (this is optional, I used Thyme)

Coconut Milk Rice Pudding with Fresh Mango – I Don’t Like Rice Pudding, But I Love This!

I’m not a big fan of rice pudding, but curiosity got the best of me, and I needed to find out how much better/different a version would be that used Arborio rice, and the same basic technique as a savory risotto.  In addition to trying out a new cooking method, I also wanted to sneak in some coconut milk for a little tropical twist, and I’m happy to report great success on both fronts. The Arborio produced a wonderfully creamy texture, and unlike tradition long-grain rice pudding, the grains of rice maintained a certain textural integrity, instead of just disappearing into one big, starchy mass. The coconut milk gave the pudding another layer of subtle sweetness, and also inspired the fresh mango garnish, which really elevated these bowls of comforting goodness. Of course the mango is optional, and you’re welcome to take your chances with raisins, preferably golden ones. If desired, those can be added at the same time as the sugar and salt. Speaking of bowls, I generally don’t make...

Tastes and Smells Like Easter

For those of you that celebrate, I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend. And even if you're not a true believer, you may still score a chocolate bunny or marshmallow chicken, so you've got that going for you. Speaking of Easter edibles, for me there's one signature taste and smell that rises above all others; anise-scented Easter bread!  Below you'll see my family's recipe for Italian Easter bread, and if you've never experienced this aromatic, and very addictive sweet bread before, I highly recommend you "rise" from the couch, and give it a try. You can read the original post and get the ingredients here . Enjoy!

Home Sweet (and Stationary) Home

I'm back! After our extra day in beautiful Flagstaff, we boarded the tra in for a fairly smooth 24 hour ride to northern California. Those of you t hat commented about how if you're going to be stranded, Flagstaff is not a bad place, were right on. I'm a big fan of Flagst aff. I will be posting lots of photos soon, from the trip and the town, along with a couple very short, very random video clips I shot with my regular camera. The trip from Flagstaff to LA was mostly in the dark, but the trip up north on the famous Coast Starlight was amazing. The tracks run right along the ocean, and the views are incredible! I'd like to tha nk all the characters we met along the way for making the trip so memorable. A special thanks goes out to Joe T. for his role in making this trip work, an d to his brother and sister-in-law for the great meal they did for us in Mesa, AZ. Most of all, I huge thanks to Al for making this trip possible, and so enjoyable. From the train trip, to the ...

10 Aneka Resep Menu Masakan Rumahan Sederhana Indonesia Sehari-hari

Resep Masakan Sederhana - Halo koki dapur lintasresep. Kali ini lintasresep akan berbagi Resep Masakan Indonesia sehari-hari. Negeri kita ini yaitu Indonesia merupakan negeri yang kaya akan Wisata Kulinernya. Bukan hanya lezat, akan tetapi masakan negeri ini sangant-sangat begizi. Diantaranya adalah Tempe, Tahu, dan Masakan Sederhana namun memiliki kualitas mewah. Aneka Resep Menu Masakan

An Early Spring Lunch

Today for lunch, Michele fried some sweet Italian sausage and served them on toasted, garlic-rubbed bread. Next to it was an ordinary green salad, made extraordinary with her kumquat and blood orange dressing. It was a perfect early spring lunch.

Resep - Cara Membuat Lapis Surabaya

Resep Lapis Surabaya - Kue tradisional yang berasal dari tiap-tiap daerah di Indonesia memang banyak, satu diantaranya adalah kue lapis Surabaya. Kendati kue lapis ini adalah salah satu buah tangan khas Surabaya, akan tetapi saat ini sudah terkenal sampai ke sejumlah daerah lain di Indonesia. Lapis surabaya terkenal enak dengan tekstur yang lembut, begitu enak di lidah sehingga pas menjadi menu

Resep - Cara Membuat Lapis Legit Prunes

Lapis legit adalah salah satu hidangan wajib ketika hari raya. Kue dengan tampilan berlapis-lapis kuning dan semburat cokelat dengan aroma khas kayu manis. Bila digigit, teksturnya begitu empuk dan lembut. Lapis legit atau spekkoek adalah kue tradisional yang masih menjadi favorit sepanjang zaman. Lantaran tampilannya yang berlapis-lapis itu maka disebut spekkoek. Spek bermakna lemak dan koek

Resep - Cara Membuat Laksa Bogor

Laksa termasuk sejenis mi yang ditambahkan bumbu dari kebudayaan peranakan dan dikombinasikan dengan unsur Tionghoa Melayu. Ada beberapa jenis Laksa dan yang paling terkenal ialah Laksa Penang. Dengan mi berbentuk bulat putih agak tebal. Di Indonesia pun ditemukan bermacam laksa misalnya adalah Laksa Bogor dan Laksa Betawi. Istilah Laksa dicomot dari bahasa Sanskerta yang artinya banyak,

Firecracker Beef on Cold Rice Noodle Salad - Warning: Flavors May Explode in Your Mouth!

I love this recipe! It uses one of my favorite cuts of beef; skirt steak, maybe the most flavorful of all the supermarket beef cuts. It features a dizzying array of contrasting tastes and textures; hot and cold, sweet and sour, salty and bland, spicy and fresh, soft and crunchy, wordy and succinct. This video recipe also shows you how easy it is to prep rice noodles, which are great in all kinds of cold and hot dishes. Skirt steak is extremely juicy, so it can take the "twice-cooked" procedure here. If you decide to substitute another cut, be careful not to overcook. A flank steak would probably work here, but I would try and find skirt steak. Don't let the scowl, and all that facial hair fool you, most butchers are nice, and will be more than happy to find you a skirt steak. The level of spiciness is, of course, up to you, but what makes this dish so fun to eat is the warm, fiery beef on the cold, refreshing noodles. Don’t cheat yourself out of all those amazing endorphi...

Resep - Cara Membuat Kue Sus

Kue sus yang dalam bahasa Belanda disebut soes merupakan kue berwujud bulat yang mempunyai rongga dengan isi vla, custard ataupun daging. Kue sus isi vla ataupun custard dihidangkan sesudah disimpan dalam kulkas, sebab vla maupun custard yang terbuat dari susu gampang jadi basi. Lain dibanding adonan kue bolu maupun cake, adonan untuk sus tidak diperoleh melalui mengocok telur, mentega dan

Resep - Cara Membuat Kue Nastar Keju

Nastar adalah satu diantara kue hari raya kegemaran keluarga Indonesia. Anda dapat membuatnya sendiri di rumah, tidak mesti menggunakan alat masak modern. Menggunakan alat masak sederhana pun boleh dengan syarat anda pede mempraktekkannya dengan cara yang betul. Alat masak sederhana semacam spatula, baskom dan sendok makan dapat digunakan. Ada sejumlah tips yang harus diperhatikan kala

Resep - Cara Membuat Kue Lapis

Kue lapis merupakan kudapan khas dari Indonesia. Kue ini umumnya tersusun atas dua warna berlapis lapis. Itulah sebabnya disebut kue lapis. Kue lezat ini dikukus tiap-tiap lapisnya sebelum selanjutnya lapis di atasnya dimasukkan. Kue ini sering dijumpai di sejumlah daerah di Indonesia. Pewarna makanan yang dipakai untuk mewarnai kue lapis boleh dari pewarna makanan buatan maupun pewarna makanan

Resep - Cara Membuat Kue Bolu

Kue bolu yang dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan cake merupakan kue dengan bahan utama tepung terigu, gula serta telur. Kue bolu kebanyakan dipanggang menggunakan oven, kendati terdapat pula kue bolu yang dibuat dengan dikukus seperti bolu kukus ataupun brownies kukus. Kue bolu dengan lapisan terbuat dari cream mentega, fondant maupun marchpane dinamakan dengan kue tart. Cake dengan ukuran

Resep - Cara Membuat Kroket Kentang

Resep Kroket Kentang - Kroket merupakan sebutan suatu makanan yang berasal dari negeri Belanda yang dikenalkan oleh orang Belanda sewaktu menjajah Indonesia. Krokt sendiri aslinya adalah makanan dari Perancis. Di negeri Belanda, kroket merupakan suatu makanan yang berasal dari ragout dengan lapisan putih telur serta tepung panir yang kemudian digoreng. Di negara kita, umumnya kroket adalah

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls a la Aunt Angela

I had dinner recently at a new restaurant here in Northern California. The featured entrée was a stuffed cabbage roll, and I was very excited! This is one of my all time favorite braised dishes, and if done properly, there is nothing better. Well, it wasn’t. Unfortunately, it was probably the single worst entrée I’ve ever been served (and that’s saying something, since I estimate I’ve eaten out 6,725 times!). I won’t go into details about that meal (yet), but I will say that one of the small problems was that it came to the table WITH NO CABBAGE! I got a meatball, and it wasn’t even a good meatball. So, to purge myself of that horrible experience, I decided to make stuffed cabbage rolls. And, not just any cabbage rolls, my Aunt Angela’s cabbage rolls. One of my earliest, and fondest, culinary memories was sitting as a young child at my Aunt’s kitchen table, watching her roll these stuffed cabbage leaves. Along with my Mom, Grandmother and Grandfather, my Aunt Angela and Uncle Bill (who...

Buttercrust Pastry Dough – Good Friday or Anytime

I knew better than to expect you guys to wait until next week for this buttercrust pastry dough, after teasing you with its flaky seductiveness during the apple hand pies video. Yes, the audience has spoken, and basically said, “post this before Easter or else.” As I mention in the clip, you really want to use a food processor for this. You can certainly use a wire pastry blender and do it by hand, but it’ll take a while, and mixing in the ice water is so much easier with whirling blades. I’m not sure I’ve ever achieved that same gorgeous “breadcrumb” texture blending by hand. If you decide to use this pastry for a savory recipe, I’d suggest cutting the sugar down a bit, but don’t be tempted to leave it out. I used the leftover dough from the apple turnovers video, which had all the sugar, for some duck pot pies, and it was really good, but maybe just a tiny bit sweet. If you’re going to use this recipe for some Easter pies or brunch desserts, I hope you like the dough as much as I d...

So Not Funny

Alright, maybe it's a little funny. Yes, the coffee shop across the street from the hotel is called, "Late for the Train." Ouch.

A Chimichurri Sauce Recipe Even Jimmy McCurry Would Have Loved

Chimichurri is a fabulous green sauce that's been steadily growing in popularity across the American restaurant landscape. For chefs, this Argentinean export falls into that magical category of sauces that literally go with everything. This herby, garlicky, tangy, spicy and very green condiment is great on all kinds of grilled meats, which according to my sources deep within the Argentinean food history subculture was its original use. Besides slathered all over a thick steak, chimichurri is equally wonderful on poultry, seafood, vegetables, or just a piece of crusty bread. How chimichurri sauce came to be named is such a fascinating story, I really hope it's true. As the legend goes, an Irishman named Jimmy McCurry (for some reason fighting alongside the Argentinean independence movement in the early 1800's) is credited with introducing this sauce to the local population. Over the years the name became corrupted, and Jimmy McCurry sauce became chimichurri sauce. Makes perf...

Smoked Salmon “Gravlox” Part 2 – It worked!

Alright, you watched us prep our Smoked Salmon “Gravlox” in Part 1 , which was basically a simple salt/sugar curing mixture. We turned it over after 1 day and it stayed in the fridge for a total of 48 hours (that’s 2 days if you’re a contestant on “Are You Smarter than a Fifth-Grader). Also, remember, we added some smoked spice to the salt mixture so the final product would have a slight “smoked salmon” taste. I really hope you give this a try. It may seem a bit scary curing your own fish, but it's been done for centuries and besides, like I said in Part 1, smoked salmon and Gravlox in the gourmet stores are really expensive. I didn’t give any serving suggestions. Did you need any? However you currently consume your smoked salmon will work for this house-made version. Ladies and Gentlemen, start your bagels. Enjoy! Safety Note: Since this has been cured with salt, it will keep, tightly wrapped, for several days in the fridge. But, as the old joke goes, if you need to keep it longe...

No Russian this Beef Stroganoff Recipe

Beef Stroganoff is one of my favorite recipes of all time, but not the classic Russian version, which had neither mushrooms nor onions, and was served over rice or fried potatoes.  No, I prefer this this Americanized rendition that gets to sit on a pile of wide buttered egg noodles. There’s something about the rich, creamy, tender beef wrapped inside those fat ribbons of pasta that really does it for me. Speaking of tender beef, this isn’t the quick-seared beef tenderloin filet you often see used in restaurants. That version is nice once in a while, but I prefer this slower, beefier recipe, which uses a much less expensive beef chuck roast. That’s right, more money for vodka! One big reason I love beef Stroganoff so much is the sauce that features a substantial amount of sour cream. Of course, that’s great news when you have access to the world’s finest homemade sour cream supply, as demonstrated in the recent creme fraiche video . This is a fairly lean version, as most similar re...

Spicy Orange Zest Beef – It Is What It Is

As I mentioned in the intro, this orange zest beef recipe is not supposed to be Chinese food, or even Americanized Chinese take-out food. Of course, since it’s obviously inspired by those day-glow orange, deep-fried beef nuggets (which may or may not be actual beef), comparisons are inevitable. While I have no delusions that those crunchy bits would be preferable to most people, especially ones that just stumbled out of a Phish concert, this much-lower-fat alternative is still a quick, easy and perfectly delicious meal. You’ll want to use a tender beef for this, since the cooking time is only 4-5 minutes. Cheaper cuts like chuck are going to be too tough, unless, of course, you pound it paper-thin, or use some kind of tenderizer. I used sirloin, which worked fine, but ideally you’ll find yourself some beef tenderloin trimmings. Here’s another instance where you are much better off going to talk to a butcher, rather than a clerk at the supermarket. A real butcher will sell you the scra...

Overnight in Flagstaff

We decided to spend the night in Flagstaff. If we took the train, that didn't even arrive until 1 AM, we would have had no connection options to Northern California. We hope we can get the original train on-time tonight and make our 10:15 AM connection in LA tomorrow. The today's train is running late again, but not as badly. It's going to be close. Here is a slide show of our dinner and hotel. If you roll over the photo a caption will pop up. For music, click on the little speaker icon in the upper-left corner of the slide show. Enjoy, and wish us luck!

Chicken and Olives – Shaken and Stirred

As I mention in the video, I’ve done almost 1,000 videos, and yet can’t remember ever featuring chicken and olives in one before. Considering how brilliant a combination they are, this is nothing short of astounding. I think there are a few in our famous arroz con pollo recipe , but as far as full co-star billing, this is the first time. Hopefully, it was worth the wait. For that to be the case, you should probably really like, if not love, olives. Their sharp, briny bite is the dominant flavor here, which is why it pairs so well with chicken breast. This one of those dishes where if you tasted the chicken and sauce separately, you probably wouldn’t be very impressed, but together – magic. Any pitted olives will work, but the Kalamata and Castelvetrano varieties are highly recommended. Luckily, most every large grocery now has an olive bar somewhere, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding them. Speaking of finding products, you may actually have a harder time locating the Herb...

UPDATE: I'm Stuck in Flagstaff!!

Our train is stuck in snow somewhere and isn't due to arrive until 12:35 AM! The horror. If any of you foodwishers has any hook-ups in Flagstaff, email ASAP. I'm in at the Downtown Dinner. We may also get stuck in LA tomorrow because of this, so any SoCal foodwishers are also welcome to rescue us. More later...

Rack of Lamb with Blueberry Beurre Rouge – Small, Dark and Handsome New Twist

This Easter-inspired rack of lamb recipe is fairly typical of other dishes I’ve posted with this cut, except for one major difference; we’re actually roasting the meat over the sauce. And not just any sauce; we spiked this beurre rouge (red wine butter sauce) with fresh blueberries, and the small, dark fruit performed beautifully. My game plan was to introduce some always-welcomed moisture into the cooking environment, as well as hopefully impart some flavor and aroma from the berries , shallots and wine . Both goals were realized, and I was very happy with the final results. Besides possibly straining the cooked berries out next time, I think it was pretty close to spot on. One word of warning to you poor, unfortunate souls who will insist on cooking this longer: Beside the obvious crime against nature of not eating this pink, you’ll also risk having your sauce dry up and burn in the oven. So, if you are going longer than the 20 minutes recommended here, be sure to check the pan, a...

You Can Make Cheese

Other than the chicken wing clips, this how-to-make-cheese video is the most-watched and commented-on recipe ever published on the blog. It was the first Food Wishes video to be featured on YouTube's home page, and has been watched by over a million people. I receive several emails a week about this recipe, and most go something like, "Another successful cheese-maker here! Awesome recipe, very easy for a beginner cook like me." Of course, in the spirit of full disclosure I do get the occasional, "Thanks genius, your crap recipe just cost me a gallon of good milk. Didn’t work at all. You fail." I have two words for that person, "operator error." Just in case you missed, or forgotten about it, I'm happy to re-present " You Don't Have to Be a Cheese Whiz to Make Your Own Fromage Blanc ." Click here to watch the video , and also check out the 99 existing comments, which have some great tips and success stories. Enjoy!

Salmon, Spring Pea, and Ricotta Tortellini with Lemon – And why it’s too bad doors don’t have keyholes anymore!

The origin of tortellini is very cloudy, and several stories exist regarding how it was invented. This one is my favorite, and it totally sounds like something a chef would do! This comes to us compliments of Wikipedia: “One legend says that this dish is born in Castelfranco Emilia (province of Modena). One night during a trip, Lucrezia Borgia checked into an inn in the small town. The host was captivated by her beauty and couldn't resist the urge to peek into her room through the keyhole. The light inside the bedroom was only made by a few candles and so he could only see her navel. This pure and innocent vision was enough to send him into an ecstasy that inspired him to create the tortellini that night.” If you watched the Wonton clip , we are using the same fold here. So, after making these two dishes, you should really have that technique down. This is a very adaptable recipe as you can use almost any seafood in the stuffing. Even left-over cooked salmon would work. I went with...

Grilled "Condiment" Chicken with Asian Noodle Salad

I have one more day down here in sunny Ar izona, and then it'll be back to cool, breezy San Francisco. I can't wait to see my wife, my kitchen, and my equipment (definitely in that order). This video for "Condiment Chicken" was named in honor of the few basic, but crucial ingredients I found at the ballpark, which made all the difference with this simple grilled recipe. One of the best cooking-on-the-road-with-no-stuff tricks ever, is the salad dressing triple play. It's our marinade, noodle salad dressing, and chicken glaze. Spiked with some pilfered hot pepper, ketchup and mustard it was more than delicious. Anyway, no time for a long, thoughtful post. It's late, and I have to shut it down for tonight - we are leaving early for a game in Scottsdale, then driving north to Flagstaff (any dinner recommendations are welcomed), then it's on the train for an overnight ride to LA, then on to San Francisco, arriving Saturday night. Since I filmed two recipes, I ...

The Matrix

I promised to post a photo of the crumb structure (aka "gluten matrix" if you're a bread geek) from my next loaf of sourdough. As several of you pointed out, I never photographed my last sourdough after it was cooled and sliced. Well, here you go. This batch used the same starter, but had a little bit of whole-wheat flour added to the sponge. Bread porn at its finest!

Smoked Salmon “Gravlox” Part 1 – From Cradle to Grave

Gravlox, or Gravlax, as it is also spelled, has a very interesting translation. It was originally made by Scandinavian fishermen who coated the salmon with a salt and sugar mixture and buried it in the sand to "cure." So the term Gravlax comes from the word “grav” which means grave, and the word “lax” which means salmon. So there you go, with trivia like that, you’ll kill at that next dinner party! Now, what I’m trying to do in this demo is to use the classic Gravlox technique, but use a smoked salt in the curing mix to achieve something that will be very close to the store-bought, and VERY expensive, smoked salmon. Lots of people try to smoke salmon at home, but they are using a high-temp smoker which basically just produces cooked salmon with a smoked favor. Now there’s nothing wrong with “hot-smoked” salmon, but what I’m after is that soft, buttery texture of the “cold-smoked” salmon that is sold commercially. I think this just might work! Anyway, check out part 2 and in a...

Easy Homemade Chocolate Sauce – I Really Wanted To Call This Hot Fudge

I would have gotten more search engine juice had I named this, “Hot Fudge Sauce,” but it wouldn’t have been technically correct, and you know what a stickler I am for using precise terminology (if you’re new to the blog, that was an attempt at self-effacing humor).  So, while it’s true I generally play fast and loose with recipe titles, when they really do mean different things, I try to come correct. What makes this a chocolate sauce, and not hot fudge, is the fact that it doesn’t firm up when it hits the ice cream. True hot fudge sauce is actually melted, liquefied fudge, and by the time it finishes its slow slalom down the side of your sundae, it will resemble its namesake. Hot fudge requires the sauce to be cooked to a specific temperature, for a certain time, and is generally a trickier operation than the simple sauce you see here. Like I said in the video, I’m sure we will eventually do a hot fudge video, but in the meantime, this ultra easy chocolate sauce should work fine. ...